Reap the Benefits of Sidr Honey with Us
Big things come in small packages, and Pro Honey’s Sidr honey says it all! We travel far and wide to Pakistan and in-bee-tween to offer pure sidr honey of premium quality. Our royal sidr honey is your go-to health partner for pure honey all year round. You can use sidr honey for weight loss, diabetes, sore throat, or just to treat your tastebuds.
Make the most of our sidr honey of premium quality.
Experience Honey at Its Finest with Royal Sidr Honey

Keep It Natural with Pro Honey’s Sidr Honeycombs
About us
We offer a unique honey environment unlike any other.
The perfect place to enjoy your Honey
Pro Honey has mastered the art of the all-natural honey harvesting process. Our experts wander the borders between Afghanistan and Pakistan, searching for Sidr trees to extract 100% pure Sidr honey. Pro Honey is the fruit of the hard work of working together as a family for 27 years in the honey production business.
Our family-owned business aims to offer our customers all the goodness of nature’s best sweetener with zero processing in its pure form. Our excellent relationship with the beekeepers in Pakistan allows us to get organic Sidr honey.
At first, only our customers in UAE were making most of the benefits of Sidr Honey, but we wanted to take things up a notch. And here we are, serving Canada too with our golden drops of goodness. We look forward to reviving this traditional and natural medicine with Pro Honey.
Opening Hours
8AM to 8PM

Contact us
Port Coquitlam, Canada
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